


Co-hosted by Doc Hawk

The Leading Edge in Emotionally Focused Therapy

Hosted by Dr. James Hawkins and Dr. Ryan Rana.

Push the leading edge of your understanding and application of this wonderful model developed by Dr. Sue Johnson.

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The Leading Edge: Transforming Leadership Through

Hosted by Dr. James Hawkins and Dr. Ryan Rana.

Use principles from attachment science to put you on the leading edge of leadership.

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your other favorite app with this RSS feed


A More Excellent Way

Hosted by Dr. James and Nicola Hawkins

Whether, it is church-based relationships, marriage relationships, parenting relationships, or workplace relationships – we want to help you improve the quality of your connection with God and others.

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your other favorite app with this RSS feed


Episodes Featuring Doc Hawk


Light Up the Couch - Counseling Couples in Crisis: Perspectives & Interventions from Two Different Models

Couple therapy experts Dr. James Hawkins, LPC, and Shane Birkel, LMFT, offer a helpful exploration of how Emotionally Focused Therapy and Relational Life Therapy approach early-stage couple therapy, with useful interventions and conceptualization strategies. Interview with Elizabeth Irias, LMFT.

At, on Apple Podcasts and Spotify


The Couples Therapist Couch - Implementing the EFT Model with James Hawkins

Dr. James Hawkins and host Shane Birkel explore the therapist's process of growing their ability to implement the EFT model, as well as self-of-therapist in the room and how we have the ability to have a big impact on society.

Listen at CouplesHQ


RealTalk - Racial Healing: A conversation with Dr. James Hawkins

Special guest Dr. James Hawkins joins RealTalk for a discussion on racial healing in America

Listen on SoundCloud


The Informed Simplicity Project - James Hawkins, Ph.D on Racial Reconciliation

A Discussion with Dr. Jordan Harris on Racial Reconciliation

Listen at blubrry



Written by Doc Hawk

How We Approach One Another: Moving Toward Racial Reconciliation

Written for The Restoration Institute

“If we cannot connect with each other’s experiences, then we cannot be a part of each other’s healing. Reconciliation will require all parties to experience some sense of discomfort as we listen and connect with each other’s stories.”

Emotional Lament and Vulnerability in Reconciliation

Written for The Restoration Institute

"If Jesus wept when he saw the pain of people he loved, even though he knew he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, then you and I can lament over the pain of past and present racism, even though we know that we will all be reconciled before the throne of God in Heaven."